Monday, June 7, 2010

Getting Ready

So we're on the first leg of the adventure tomorrow - nevermind it's just the prosaic stuff of some medical appointments tomorrow and Wednesday morning, separated by a TheatreWorks production of Opus, then an Interstate trip to Anthem, AZ, son Andy and granddaughter Kate (who undoubtedly will be the star of the next ten days' posts) .
There's all the usual getting the house buttoned up sort of stuff, but the big adventure was finding out how to put up a modern tent. My last experiences were with heavy canvas things, wooden poles and tent pegs ... which gives you a clue as to when Joan and I last camped. First lesson - don't try to put a tent up for the first time when there are 30 knot gusts. Second lesson - a tent with 72" peak height is damn big. Third lesson - it is possible for old fudds, with patience, to put the thing up in 40 minutes while reading the instructions; and it's possible to get it down and even packed into its stuff sack in a half hour. Fourth lesson - make sure the camera batteries are charged else the blog won't have a picture of Joan's smile of satisfaction with the tent up.

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